Friday, October 12, 2012

Make up my mind is not easy.

     After of two week or more of negotiations with my monsters and dealing with a ton of ideas. I did it!  It has been frustrating some time but I decided not to quick! Please be kind with my English skills, my native language is Spanish and my plan is make this blog in two languages English and Spanish.
Only until now I'm brave enough to make this post and show to world the things that I have to show.
My online course has been fantastic, but at the same time hard to assimilated and internalize.  I had to figured out how to make a new blog and a Facebook page under my name (really scary), start to calling  myself "an artist" and accepting that only with practice and step by step a will make my own path. It has not been easy.
Here I am, willing to take fly, scared, with my toes in the edge of precipice. Ready to Fly!
I have to say that this could not be possible without all the encouragement of my Facebook group of  Taking Fly 2012! Every time that I put a question someone answered y gave me supported to keep going. I am really really grateful.
I also have been painting a lot, and this is one of my latest work. I think that she reflex how I have been lately, full of new ideas, feelings and fears.


  1. Roomy,
    The painting is wonderful, I love the ideas floating around like flowers falling from the sky :) very nice!

    Your fellow flyer,

    1. Thank you Chandra for you comment. I'm trying to find my style.
      thanks for leave a comment. I really appreciated.

  2. Hi Romy, your blog is looking fabulous and I managed to add you to my circles in Google+ as well. Have a lovely week! xx

  3. Thank you Girls for leave your comments!

  4. Just beautiful. Your English is wonderful, don't worry! A great beginning to what is sure to be a great blog! Congrats! A fellow flyer~Susan

  5. This is beautiful...really like her! Keep exploring this girl!

  6. She is lovely!!! Thank you for sharing! : )

  7. I love this artwork Romy! Your communication is excellent and you should be so proud of your achievements : )
